I have been diligent
December 29, 2024, 3:59 pm

I have kept up a daily routine of practicing Japanese for the last 3 months. I am over a 120 streak on duolingo, and I'm quite proud of that.

I have put in some more work on my kana website. I am still trying to figure out the best layouts and design and tools for it. It has been a lot of back and forth and some of the most dreaded thing a developer can say. ... refactoring. *shudder*

But it is starting to get to a place that feels quite useful, not necessarily as a full on keyboard yet, but definitely as a learning tool. It helps me to visualize the possibilities of だくてん and はんだくてん and the like. I wonder how google will begin to recategorize my site for the mere fact that I these characters now show up in it.

This latest set of changes has caused an enormous refactor. I had been very specific in my classes and names, and I realized that in order for the tool to be better and more future forward, I needed the class names to be much more generic. Instead of saying a position was the hiragana position, it became the primary position. Instead of the cardinal position being called romaji katakana and keyboard, I just switched to calling them their cardinal names of northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast. Then this caused problems, because of course i shortened the classnames to two characters like ne and sw, but you se both ne and se are romaji transliterations of Japanese characters, and I was ALSO using those already in other parts of the code. Oh it was a big mess. But I think I finally have it moving in a much better direction.

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